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Chinese Whispers: The Birth of Islam
Chinese Whispers: The Birth of Islam

We have also published our own book that you can use to share with friends and family. The content is directly derived from our website and is available in paperback format.

"Chinese Whispers: The Birth of Islam" is a thought-provoking examination of the Qur'an and hadith. The book presents a critical analysis of the hadith, the supposed sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad, and challenges the authenticity and reliability of the hadith by using only the Qur'an as a reference. The author argues that the hadith have been used to justify oppressive corrupt rule and calls for a reexamination of these texts in light of his findings. Written for those seeking a critical perspective on the hadith, this book challenges the reader to question their understanding of the religion.

Below is a quick preview of what readers will be presented with, directly sourced from the Qur'an itself:


Contrary to popular belief, the Qur'an is a standalone text as defined by God. The idea that the Qur'an prescribes religious dogma is an inaccurate one. It is important to note that the Qur'an critiques those who consider priests and rabbis to be equal to God:

"They have taken their rabbis and priests as lords instead of God, as well as the Messiah, son of Mary. Even as they were commanded to worship none but the One God. There is no god except He. Glory be to Him; High above what they associate with Him." (Qur'an 9:31)


The Qur'an references the term "Islam" as an abstract noun that refers to the state of peace that comes from complete submission to God. It is as abstract as other concepts like "patience" or "purity". The Qur'an presents Islam as a spiritual state of mind rather than a specific religion for a certain group of people. According to the Qur'an, anyone who inclines towards truth; seeking the one true God is considered a believer.

Furthermore, God critiques the Christians and Jews for claiming that one must convert to their religion or face eternal damnation:

"And they say: None will enter the Garden save such as hold to Judaism, or are Christians. Those are their vain desires. Say thou: Bring your evidence, if you be truthful." (Qur'an 2:111)


Salat in the Qur'an is an abstract noun like sabr/patience. Is there a specific way to be patient? Obvbiously not, and thus prayers are left upon a community or tribe to decide, since there is no "correct" method as long as there is no "shirk/idolatry". Salat in the simplest sense means "duty", or an act of submission to God.

You can't find any details for a specific form of daily prayer in the Qur'an because there aren't any. One can only find such contradictory details in the later volumes of hadith which arrive approximately 200 years later.

Asking how to pray is similar to asking how to love. God has given us the freedom to determine such simple concepts on our own. Unlike told by the religionists, the path to salvation is not limited or restrictive, it is in fact wide and expansive.

In conclusion, "Chinese Whispers: The Birth of Islam" is a compelling read that challenges readers to question the authenticity and reliability of the hadith and its role in shaping your faith in God. The book presents an authentic and original perspective on the Qur'an and its teachings. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking a critical perspective on the hadith texts.

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