LGBTQ in the Quran?



What Does the Quran Say About the LGBTQ
What Does the Quran Say About the LGBTQ

These slowly-moving stages of social engineering are commissioned out in due process all thanks to the feminization of our society as a whole.

God describes sexual deviants, whether homosexual or heterosexual, as being "transgressing/degenerate".

Below are all the verses in the Qur'an that specifically speak of homosexuality:

(26:165) Do you approach the males among all mankind,

(26:166) And leave what your Lord created for you among your wives? The truth is, you are a transgressing people.

(7:80) And Lot: when he said to his people: Do you commit sexual immorality, that none among all mankind has preceded you?

(7:81) You approach men with lust rather than women; the truth is, you are a people committing excess.

(27:54) And Lot: when he said to his people: Do you commit sexual immorality with open eyes?

(27:55) Do you approach men with lust instead of women? The truth is, you are a people in ignorance.

(29:28) And Lot: when he said to his people: You commit sexual immorality, that none among all mankind has preceded you.

(11:78) And his people came to him, hastening towards him; and before had they been doing evil deeds. He said: O my people: these are my daughters; they are purer for you. So be in prudent fear of God, and disgrace me not concerning my guests. Is then there not among you a right-minded man?

To the liberals: you're not helping anyone when you claim that a destructive behavior (read here on the importance of sexual morality in society) is fine, when it is in reality leading people to hell and leading society to destruction. The act of criticizing such degeneracy is in fact constructive and just. Believers of God do not fear people, they fear God. God is never shy from telling you the truth:

(14:22) And the satan will say when the matter is concluded: “God promised you the promise of truth; and I promised you, but I betrayed you. And I had not over you any authority except to call you — and you responded to me; so blame not me, but blame yourselves. I cannot aid you, and you cannot aid me. I deny your ascribing to me a partnership before; the wrongdoers: for them is a painful punishment.”

"While the so-called liberal Muslim approach may appeal to those who wish to appease the vociferous so-called Gay Rights movement, or who wish not to be seen to be bigoted, or who are (understandably) appalled at the Islamicist practice of murdering homosexuals and wish to counter that evil, their arguments – well intentioned or not – do not stand up to a rigorous Qur’anic analysis. In the Qur’anic worldview, male homosexual activity is sin – along with heterosexual activity outside of marriage. There is simply no getting away from this fact. Yet as concerns a community of unbelievers, beyond the duty to exhort people to turn away from sin, the believer has no remit." - Sam Gerrans

To the conservatives: what exactly have you conserved over the last years? The West has turned into a cesspool of degeneracy and "voting" clearly hasn't done anything to stop it. The abhorrent destruction of basic morals under the slogans of "tolerance" and "social justice", has been welcomed with open arms.​​

Homosexuality in the United States many years ago was considered a sin by "conservatives", yet today, even they now accept and parade in "pride". Abortion was seen as despicable, now it's swept under the rug and ignored, as long as it's not "late-term abortion" or "at-birth abortion"!

These slowly-moving stages of social engineering are commissioned out in due process all thanks to the feminization of our society as a whole.


Contrary to modernist belief, it is not a sin to judge others, rather God says that you should judge, but judge justly (it is only through masculine assertiveness that we can restore vital morality and principles) :

(5:42) Eager listeners to lies; hearty consumers of illicit gain. And if they come to thee, judge thou between them, or turn thou away from them; if thou turnest away from them, they will not harm thee at all; but if thou judgest, judge thou between them with equity; God loves the equitable.

(4:58) God commands you that you deliver up trusts to their owners;1 and when you judge between men, that you judge with justice. Excellent is what God admonishes you to do; God is hearing and seeing.

(2:213) Mankind was one community; then God raised up prophets as bearers of glad tidings and warners, and sent down with them the Writ with the truth, that He might judge between men concerning that wherein they differed. And there differed therein only those who were given it, after clear signs had come to them, through sectarian zealotry between them. But God guided those who heeded warning to that of the truth concerning which they differed, by His leave; and God guides whom He wills to a straight path.


Nowadays more than ever, there are those in progressive Muslim circles, including even some within the “Quran-alone” doctrine, that blatantly spread falsehood by stating that homosexuality isn't forbidden by God. They say that the word "approach" used in the Quran isn't meant to be sexual, but rather it’s argued that the word comes from the same root as 'aatoo' as in 'aatoo az-zakaat' (to bring zakat). The liberal mind is obviously a convoluted one influenced by whatever dominant culture surrounds them; and here they even go to great lengths to alter the words of God to fit their delusions.

Claims have been made that the verses on Lot regarding homosexuality are actually not forbidding the act of homosexuality itself, but rather forbidding societies from upholding the "dominant male" principle (i.e. the patriarchy)! The beta males that align with this form of insanity are merely only a product of such an emasculated and feminized society. It’s obvious the Quran is very patriarchal on its stance on life and society, which is in harmony with nature. The issue liberals have is that this reality clearly contradicts the untruths of modernity. For example, all of the prophets of God had been males, and the Quran specifically refers to men as being leaders of their families and tribes. Nonetheless, liberal claims are easily debunked just by reading these two verses from chapter 2:

(2:222) And they ask thee about menstruation. Say thou: “It is a hindrance; so keep away from women during menstruation, and approach them not until they are clean. And when they have purified themselves, then approach them in what manner God has commanded you; God loves those who repent and loves those who purify themselves.

(2:223) Your women are a tilth for you; so come to your tilth as you will, and send ahead for your souls; and be in prudent fear of God, and know that you will meet Him. And bear thou glad tidings to the believers.

In conclusion, the Quran specifically prohibits all forms of sexual activity between men (i.e. homosexuality), as well as all forms of sexual activity outside the bond of marriage (heterosexual fornication/adultery). God revealed the Quran in easy to understand Arabic, unfortunately, there will be those that fabricate their own interpretations to suit whatever bias or desires they happen to be fed from the surrounding cultural manure around them:

(3:78) And among them a faction distorts the Writ with their tongues, that you might think it from the Writ, but it is not from the Writ. And they say: “It is from God,” but it is not from God. And they ascribe the lie to God, when they know.

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